Dirty Electricity Meters & Filters

This is a small book on the subject of Dirty Electricity by Dr. Sam Milham. He’s an epidemiologist with a profound ability to connect some important data to our use of electricity. The opening line reads “I am writing this in an urgent attempt to warn you…” http://www.sammilham.com/

I was sold a Stetzer meter when I was first injured as part of a bundle of meters. Before the whole house filters came into existence we chose to use a different brand of the plug-in filters than Stetzer offers, known as Greenwave Filters.  The agreed standard for  measuring the microsurges is the same regardless of which one you choose in that “any reading above 50 is undesirable.” 

Here’s a link for the BEST PRICED Stetzer meter that we used to take these readings: $150.00 https://lessemf.com/?post_type=products&s=Stetzer+Meter   

Here is the EMI Line Noise Meter of the competitor:  $130.00  https://greenwavefilters.com/product/emi-meter/

Here’s where you can learn more about the Greenwave filters and order them and read their comparison to the Stetzer filters: https://greenwavefilters.com/

I’d likely buy the second one too if a house was giving me problems I couldn’t sort out. Here’s the reasoning given by the woman we brought our whole house filter from. “The Stetzer only measures up to 150 kHz. The Greenwave measures up to 10,000 kHz. I have compared them side by side, and while the readings often correlated, there was an area of my house where the Stetzer said there was no problem and the GW said there was–undoubtedly because there were higher frequencies in that area. but comparisons by others have found them to be compatible in their reliability.” 

I wrote about my experiences with the Greenwave plug-in filters in the Getting Well God’s Way book with some warnings from my own experiences.  It can be risky to just plug them in if there are wiring errors in the home.  It can make magnetic fields worse so these aren’t a cure-all band-aid.  Every home is different.  Every home has different appliances plugged in, different wiring issues, different electric meters so I use these sparingly and to help isolate problems.  In Austin, where we moved from I used about a dozen of these BUT we also were able to get rid of our smart meter and go back to an analog AND we spent thousands of dollars having electricians FIX the wiring issues we found.  In my mind, this is the correct way to use them. Be sure to have tv’s on and normal household functioning going when taking measurements. We had one outlet that was 1772 even with all filters in place. We replaced the tv and it stopped it proving that sometimes it can be the appliance being used so keep this in mind. Measure every outlet in your home and record it.

You can find the Satic Whole House Filters at this link: https://saticshield.com/?aff=218

There are 20 pages in my book, Getting Well God’s Way, which share my wireless injury story and what I’ve learned thus far. Your purchase will honor me and my work efforts as well as BIG TIME educate you about this world we now live in so you can better protect yourself and your loved one’s. You’ll find it listed here in the “Solutions” Category of this blog. It’s available through https://GettingWellGodsWay.com, and on Amazon: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2020/07/29/the-book-i-wrote-has-20-pages-regarding-my-wireless-injury-story-2/

President Trump signed Executive Order 13920 on May 1st, 2020 stating that all equipment in our electric grid manufactured or controlled by a foreign adversary must be monitored and replaced. His more casual language was “ripped out and replaced” and I believe that’s what he wants to do so I’m going to attempt to convince him that’s what SHOULD BE done by citing current laws already on the books and sharing my story of this local utility corporation who claims to be member-owned but is reportedly locking said members out of public meetings and controlling who gets on the board. The written communications I’ve had with them makes me believe this. They’re nasty and unkind…tell me I ask too many questions. Well I tend to do that when “useful idiots” are doing very destructive things to an unsuspecting public.

At the bottom of this post you’ll find a link sharing more insight about Dirty Electricity, the CRIMINAL readings taken in this town, and at the end of that linked post you’ll see where you can order the meters to measure this toxin coming into your home wiring and the filters to clean it up. There’s also lots of links in the post about the destructive health effects. Be clear, THIS IS A CRIME and I’m working to get it addressed accordingly because legal precedence needs to be set to disincentivize corporations who decide they’re going to FORCE toxic products onto their customers who have no choice but to use their company, against their will and against their qualified MD’s written orders. I’m exhausted. It’s a BIG DEMON, but big trees fall if we keep chopping at the base!

The electric meters here where we live are stamped “ANSI METER” and the lawless utility corporation says “they meet ANSI standards” but when I looked into ANSI I discovered they are being overseen by a communist Chinese nationalist since 2015. I believe this alone qualifies them for removal according to EO 13920. You can view a short video at this link detailing this: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2019/12/07/china-says-your-smart-meter-is-safe/

The parts inside the refurbished one I bought to take apart had capacitors made in China.

They are going to cause a “tidal wave of mysterious illness” so this too can weaken or destroy an entire nation. Here’s one of many articles on this blog that share what they are already seeing unfold in the disease statistics: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2019/12/07/smart-meters-causing-tidal-wave-of-mysterious-illnesses-that-strike-people-in-their-own-homes-includes-symptom-list/

Because they are going to sicken a huge part of the citizenry, this too is a threat to our national security and beyond!

One attorney is winning cases using the argument that this is “criminal assault” defined in the US Criminal Code as “applied force, direct or indirect, without consent, that causes harm. And the methods of “applied force” includes heat, light, and electrical. According to Public Law 90-602, which says “you can’t radiate the public” as well as criminal laws, violation of civil and human rights and/or ADA laws, for me and those of us suffering and being denied accommodation, this is illegal. It’s also been cited that the utility companies are “exceeding the permissions given in the easement granted to them to provide electric service.” I want a criminal approach to serve as a disincentive for future corporations who might decide to FORCE unsafe technology onto the citizens, who have no choice but to use a criminal enterprise, given legal monopoly status, for essential services that provide health and dignity. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Go to the link below to see the readings in this house, info on the TWACS electric meters and LOTS of links to credible experts, MD’s, scientists & institutions screaming about the dangers of what’s being deployed into our world.


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