USA in Covert War with the Chinese Communist Party?

Is the State of Arkansas helping the CCP? Is your state?

I was just thinking that I needed to construct some sort of white board presentation showing how the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) being allowed in our electric grid can be part of a covert war with the USA so the officials I’m contacting MIGHT be able to see why I’m so concerned with what’s going on here in the Ozarks. For a QUICK peak at that, you can go over to If for some reason that newer url doesn’t work, try Glance over the Home page to see a glimpse of the absolute techno mayhem unfolding on our planet but be sure to view the right hand column for the egregious local issue. A scroll through the IMAGES THAT TEACH category should be on your itinerary.

So…let me make an effort to share my point of view: All it takes is for the CCP to find a needy politician whose desperation overshadows their moral convictions or professions of faith; check. THEN, they get said politician (federal, state, and local) to facilitate placement of “new technology” into the targeted countries electric grid under the guise of progressive and profitable ideas; check. Put out a lot of printed material to create an air of “due diligence safety investigations”…prefab studies to show it’s all good knowing it will likely never be investigated; check. Next, we’ll need some compromised international safety accreditation agencies that the CCP could infiltrate to pass their toxic equipment through any protective layers; check! Next, they’ll need some utility companies/CORPORATIONS who will go along so the CCP will spit out tons of money as grants, low cost loans and other financial incentives passed seamlessly through a 501C4 “Dark Money” channel; check. Yes, they allow 501C4 “Dark Money” to be used in our electric grid. If you aren’t aware, that means they do not have to disclose where it came from. Now why would any thinking human create channels to allow a KNOWN ADVERSARY to invest money or equipment in such a volatile system as your own electric grid? Answer: They’re stupid humans and not bothering to align their lives with the will of God. They are therefore absent of wisdom, mindless, not critical thinkers, aren’t in prayer about their daily doings, checking in…They’re seeking their own legacy and we’re all subject to the collateral damage. They’ll need people in those utility and telecom companies/CORPORATIONS to move their evil agenda forward. Fortunately, we now live in a culture full of narcissists, control freaks who are power hungry and only feel good when they’re shoving others around and wielding their personal power so, CHECK! A small town lawyer on a power trip, found all across the country…someone who will answer any valid questions or allegations with rudeness, lack of transparency, accusations, dismissiveness, disregard…someone who doesn’t mind violating people’s rights and laws as well as violating their own profession of faith and can still lay their head down to sleep at night…A good solid narcissist…without empathy! CHECK!

Note: You’ll see evidence of every single thing I’ve presented above, and more, in this extensive report to the Arkansas Attorney General, Tim Griffin. There is no question that what’s going on here is illegal and immoral. The bigger question is WHY IS NOBODY IN ARKANSAS WILLING TO CONFRONT CARROLL ELECTRIC cooperative CORPORATION?

Below you’ll find a video by a man named Daryl Guberman who owns a safety accreditation company in Connecticut. I found him when Carroll Electric told me “these meters meet ANSI standards”. My immediate thought was, “then ANSI is compromised” so I went online to see what I’d find when I typed in “Is ANSI compromised” and BAM I found this man. He reveals that ANSI (American National Standards Institute) has quite a list of failures, corruption, professional incest, and enjoys a substantial non-taxable income! Clearly if they certified the safety of the electric meter FORCED on customers here in the Ozarks by Carroll Electric when it was banned at the federal level by the “Austrian Chamber of Physicians and the Swiss Physicians for the Environment due to fears that it is deadly with immediate and cumulative effects with the most vulnerable feeling it the soonest.” NINE OF US here in the vicinity of Jasper, Arkansas are KNOWINGLY “the most vulnerable”, so are many others, they just haven’t figured out the correlation between the electric meters in use and their diabetes or the inability to regulate their previous manageable diabetes. Cancer, afib (heart beat irregularity), immune issues, moods… I’ll put the symptom chart below so you can look over it… Even the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) who is one of the agencies who is supposed to oversee the safety of such things yet doesn’t protect anyone from all the towers and the cell phones and WIFI… they don’t even like these meters. As you’ll see on that site (right hand column), they made a 7.5 minute video showing how they contaminate the power lines and 3 pdf’s explaining it. The power lines are absolutely contaminated here. You can tell if you simply tune your radio to an AM station and pull in the grocery store parking lot where the second and third death happened that qued me to the need to take readings on my meters. YEP, DEADLY IS RIGHT! Then there’s this woman’s private message sent to me on facebook and the friends account below it:

You have to wonder what those Swiss Physicians for the Environment found! Well maybe it was this:

  • Dec 9, 2023…CWD FOUND IN 1/2 of states in the USA. First time ever in Yellowstone and Kentucky in recent weeks. THIS level of electrification of our world has never been done before so what would you expect? 
  • The 2021-22 Arkansas Hunting Guidebook, page 4 discusses “…chronic wasting disease, which first appeared in Arkansas in Newton County in 2016”. Many claim it came from the infected elk brought in and want to end the conversation there. What you need to understand are simultaneous events of deploying these toxic digital electric meters was at an estimated 75% coverage in 2016. These meters have not only contaminated the power lines, have the air screaming here 24/7 with a high-pitched squeal, (likely from data being carried on electric lines designed to only carry current), but THE BIGGEST issue is that they’ve CREATED AN ELECTRIC FIELD affecting every living thing that’s in it! They like to use the word “GRID” so imagine that we’re all in an electric GRID now 24/7.  So, an INFECTED AGENT, (the elk), were introduced into an area where an “electric grid” was now in place, suppressing the immune system of the White Tail, and causing neuro degenerative issues like we’re seeing in the human population. When did the first towers/antennas go in here? How many satellites are we being bathed in now and what are they contributing to the soup pot?

Of interest is that ANSI was overseen by a member of the CCP from 2015-2021! He goes further to state that anyone who’s a member of the CCP has a mandate to collect data and report it to the CCP. I think he cites Article 7… So, why would they be interested in being involved with our electric meters? Because it’s a covert way to sicken and kill off Americans, with permission.

That the CCP is collecting data is not even a question because these not smart electric meters are DATA COLLECTION DEVICES & DATA IS THE NEW PLATINUM as well as it’s involved in modern weaponry. You cannot even imagine the insanity, THE EVIL, that me being injured by wireless has revealed. It’s one thing for our country to allow this collection, WITHOUT CONSENT, but it’s a whole ‘nother subject to allow it to be collected by or for the benefit of an adversary.

Are you aware that when Donald Trump was President that he issued an Executive Order to “rip out and replace”(his terminology) all commercial equipment in our electric grid placed by a country known to be an adversary? You’ll find a link to that Executive Order in the link below. Guess what, on DAY ONE of Biden/Obama’s stolen presidency this was undone! Now we all know Biden is a puppet for the CCP so should it surprise you that on DAY ONE, he reopened the closed gate for them? You NEED to wake up to what’s being presented and take some protective steps.

Here’s the category for Smart Meters on this blog in case you don’t know much about them. You can view a map showing which states have Opt-Out Options. DO NOT ACCEPT a “Non-transmitting analog meter” as they can be very lethal. If they tell you that they no longer make analog’s then go online and buy one. I posted two options for where you can find them on the site, bottom of the Home page in the right hand column. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW, AND HAVE PEACE WITH WHAT EQUIPMENT IS PLACED IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT FOR ESSENTIAL SERVICES. DO NOT BE BULLIED AROUND and don’t put an analog meter on your bedroom wall either as they do emit a lesser amount of radiation out the back. They belong on a pole away from the serviced building:

If you don’t think the CCP is an ACTIVE ADVERSARY then perhaps this “defector” can shed some light on his awareness of their plans. Seeing this 3 minute video this morning is what finally inspired me to create this much needed post.

3 minute video below

Content from the Show Description on

Comment about the same video below as it appeared on TikTok: “This is the information obtained by countless fellow fighters of Whistleblower Movement in the CCP system who risked their lives. The corona virus was a biological weapon used by the CCP to kill the world, but the launch of the corona virus vaccine was the real purpose-killing tool.


✨✨✨Review of Mr. Miles Guo’s Live Breaking News ✨✨✨重温郭文贵先生直播爆料(2022.10.26) Next, Xi Jinping will definitely launch an unrestricted economic war against the United States and Europe, causing the stock markets of the United States and Europe to plummet and making people suffering. Xi will cause domestic real estate to collapse and break contracts to destroy the confidence of the Western capital market. Xi Jinping is ready for World War III. He will not hesitate to use strategic nuclear weapons against Taiwan and attack US aircraft carriers. Moreover, he will continue to harass the South China Sea and attack Taiwan unexpectedly. 【接下来习近平对待美国和欧洲,一定会发动经济超限战,让美、欧的股市暴跌,让老百姓⺠ 不聊生; 让房地产倒塌; 毁约; 打垮⻄方资本市场的信心;闪电攻台湾; 习近平已经准备好开始第三次世界大战,习不 会犹豫对台使用战略核武器攻击美国航母。而且他會持续骚扰南海,冷不防出击攻台】#回顾文贵先生爆料 #磐石农场 #TAKEDOWNTHEXICP #消灭中共 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦

♬ 原聲 – 磐石快讯

I’ve been saying for years that I suspect the USA is in a covert/undeclared war FROM SPACE with the CCP. I’m now inclined to believe that the USA and every other country is in a way against PURE EVIL and that the CCP may just be a useful tool in their hands. Who are “THEY”? Well I’d guess the New World Order, George Soros, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum… JUST EVIL PEOPLE WHO WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD and turn us into a dystopian, AI controlled obedient bunch of cyborgs they control for their benefit…EXTREME NARCISSISTS! The posts in this category of this blog firm up my suspicions…You better wake up!

And this category should be viewed considering what was revealed in the 3 minute video above…THE VACCINE WAS AN INTENDED WEAPON!

I created the post below to kind of give you a glimpse through my windshield:

I created the document below in the fall of 2022, after 7+ years of wireless injury and isolation from the world. I work from a hardwired, grounded, shielded computer with a grounding strap on my wrist to awaken the rest of you to what’s going on in the world around us that you cannot see and dont’ realize is happening:

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