Graphene (in Covid shots and more) + 2 GHz = outbound signal…recipients become battery/generators

What people receiving these shots think is going on is way different from the likely story. You should read some books and start thinking beyond what the television is telling you to think. I’ll post a few links below this graphic because us good ol’ regular folks need to start asking some questions about who’s doing what and why. I have yet to read these two but they’re sitting here waiting for me to finish the current book I’m reading. From the title alone I’d say they have some information we need to look at.

Feels like I’m getting ready to launch a podcast with all this reading and creating being done. Stay Tuned

Here’s another great resource, Joe Allen. He’s a frequent guest on Steve Bannon’s Warroom Pandemic show and they’ve done several feature shows about this topic. Go check out some of his show titles and listen in:

If you want to see how I came to see the above as not only possible but HIGHLY LIKELY and looks like it’s well under way to being carried out after the last 2 years events. PEOPLE NEED TO GET INFORMED CUZ THIS IS THE BIGGEST IQ TEST EVER GIVEN. You need to study for it.

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