What’s Going on in Our World?

this video is 1 hr 21 minutes of OMGosh…putting all the pieces together for us…The Biden lunatic, Trump, Destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, bankrupting the USA Corporation established by the Act of 1871, Bankrupt Federal Reserve, WHY YOU DON’T OWE INCOME TAX…

To give a little background…I’m a person who got in some very serious trouble at 25 years old. I was innocent of the accusation but it dropped me to my knees crying out to the God I’d met as a child when my father was a pastor for many years. My parents divorced and all of us got off track spiritually. THEN, something supernatural happened when I offered God a deal. ”You can have the rest of my life for Your own use and purpose if you’ll get me out of this mess.” A few months later I was exonerated by a man who looked like Grandpa Walton. White hair to the bottom of his collar, a white beard to midchest. He’d taken his robe off and had a white shirt on so “lots of white” going on. He had brought his big imposing chair from around the desk where he could sit almost knee to knee with me. I guess he wanted to look me in the eye when he told me “I’ve looked at everything in this file and there’s nothing here that makes me think you did this…Also, the grand jury has never met on your case so I don’t know how an indictment even happened…I can’t imagine what you’ve been through but I want you to pick up the pieces of your life and don’t look back…”. I was still very much in shock and not as present as most so it was months later that it dawned on me that his name was JUDGE LOVE. 

Once I had a full grasp on that and attributed it to the hand of God, it demanded a response. I now KNEW that God could hear me and would respond so I began every waking moment, crying out for a life that would make a difference and this journey unfolded. It produced a book that took 29 years to finish and cost me almost everything because that’s what good stories do. A deep sense of dread was present because I expected writing it may end my marriage (and more) if I “outgrew my station in life” so I didn’t write one word for 2 years after being given that directive.So, a fall from a bridge, a broken back, and plenty of laying around time helped me see the error in that delay. I began writing the first day I returned home after a 2 month hospital/rehab stay.The book now has a section on reversing chronic pain.LOL, He always shows me the way out but it can be a very tough class to endure.

When the book came out and readers began dropping to their knees in tears, four of them were men, and one woman had a 2-hour healing encounter with God while reading it, I realized that it really was important.

Another supernatural event took place when a woman bought the book 4 days after it went live and opened it randomly and “my eyes fell on the name of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Does she know she’s in your book? She’s about to, she’s my neighbor.” This world-reknowned medical doctor ended up introducing me to the world on a nationally-syndicated radio show and my phone blew up with notifications. I held it up to God and said, “I don’t know your plans but I can’t imagine this would be desirable, being in demand, and having an electronic leash on me”. It was a year later that I touched the screen of a cell phone and a pain shot up my arm that radically changed the focus of my mission and sent us fleeing to the Ozarks away from the tech saturated city where I can heal as “Prudent Avoidance” is the #1 recommendation by the experts.

Because I’m living a spiritual story and am on a spiritual mission to save humanity and beyond, I have an active spiritual force working against me (we all do just maybe not as intense as having a “calling” to activism) so I have to pay close attention to the whispers. That “still small voice” is critical.

The first message I received of relevance to this post was in the summer of 2020. Covid had been in play for 3+ months when I kept getting a “sense” that “everything is fine. In fact, “something VERY GOOD is going to happen for humanity” but that made no sense considering what became evident to most by March of 2020. I have a screenshot somewhere showing a facebook post I made a few months later as that message kept coming and just STAYED in my “spiritual inbox” like a prioritized email. When it comes up in my fb memories again I’ll put it here. I also stated that I recognized that to be an odd message of encouragement based on what we were seeing unfolding with masks, and lockdowns, and fear-mongering. I couldn’t deny receiving that message and knowing it wasn’t my own thought based solely on the content of the book I wrote, my expectations in this Rx drug saturated world, and our clearly corrupt government and court system.Corruption and destruction of the environment and people’s rights being non-existent while CORPORATIONS destroy our food, water, air and even our DNA without accountability paint an expectation of more of the same, not “everything is fine”.Here in the Ozarks we have a utility CORPORATION posing as a “member-owned cooperative” while not operating according to the principles of a cooperative. They’re forcing an electric meter on their customers that’s been banned in two countries for fear that it is deadly with immediate and cumulative effects with the most vulnerable feeling it the soonest.” So how is it that “members” FORCE an unsafe electric meter on themselves and yet for four years I’ve been writing, calling, pleading for help and NOBODY COMES. Every single agency says, “We have no jurisdiction.” Deadly readings found all over town, three women dead, two in the same building where the first high readings were found. Contaminated power lines are evident and NOBODY WILL COME…let’s me see that WE THE PEOPLE no longer matter. CORPORATIONS ARE RUNNING OUR WORLD and if WE THE PEOPLE don’t WAKE THE HELL UP history WILL repeat itself. 

So, it was in early summer of 2022 that God told me He wanted me to update the original featured post on this site titled, https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2019/05/07/an-urgent-message-for-modern-man2019/. It took me 6 months to finish and a few months after I posted it, my world became extremely still for several days. It’s a feeling that precedes the hearing but I knew that a message was coming in. As I tuned in and paid closer attention the information about the USA being a FOREIGN CORPORATION and the need for TRUE AMERICANS to reclaim their status on the “land and soil jurisdiction” began coming out of the woodwork from all kinds of sources, some quite unexpected. I’d known about this from a facebook friend since 2016 and posted a short video on this site, on another post but that’s about all I knew to do so I ordered and read a few books, watched several teachers online, and formed my opinion that in fact some trickery had been put in play controlling our world and that all of our politicians are in fact working for “The Crown” and we are in fact “debt slaves”. 

I’ll post another video below this main one for those interested in taking a deeper look at this subject but FOR RIGHT NOW, IN TODAY’S CRAZY WORLD, I suggest starting with the video below and then watch the other video/s I share.

FYI: Pretty sure this is the first post on this blog where I introduce spiritual issues. I typically reserve that for the GettingWellGodsWay.com book site, but this video, our world today, and the sense that IT IS TIME to bridge the subjects here has me doing so.

We watched this video on our hardwired Roku-enabled television and it paused quite a bit. We wanted the information so we tolerated it but if it does that you can always try watching it on your computer to see if it works better. If not, get a drink, a good attitude and ride it out…it’s worth it!

Below is a 55 minute tutorial on how our country got to the state of corruption it’s in and a beginning process to disconnect from the insanity and begin to right some wrongs, hopefully. I sat for 6 hours and took 30 pages of notes on this. After reading several books, it was the most concise process presented that I’ve found thus far…

And you absolutely want to go to the link here because it will show you that you do not owe income taxes unless you live in D.C.. or one of the islands or territories, or do business with D.C.. At this link you’ll find the book, Cracking the Code, and you’ll also so a list of people who have gotten the money back they paid into the IRS. I believe you can go back 3 years but don’t hold me to that as I’ve been consuming a lot of information recently. Start at their home page here: https://www.losthorizons.com/Cracking_the_Code.htm but if you’re like me you’ll quickly want to see evidence of other people who have done this here: https://www.losthorizons.com/BulletinBoard.htm

Don’t neglect this Forbes.com article on Pete Hendrickson’s recent court loss and his reply to the journalist. I guess it would be rather naive’ to expect the IRS to just roll over or a judge who’s dutifully writing out their own tax returns…wouldn’t want to learn that they’ve been fooled. Here’s that powerful article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterjreilly/2019/02/13/sometimes-you-crack-the-code-and-sometimes-the-code-cracks-you/?sh=c02beab2128a

Below is a 5-hour video into this subject of the birth and process of turning the USA into a CORPORATION as part of a global construct:

Below is a 1 hr 12 minute explanation of how we became “debt slaves”:

Here’s the Featured Post on this site that shows you what all has been unleashed on mankind by these CORRUPT CORPORATIONS that WE NEED TO RESPOND TO:

It costs money to host these blogs so if you appreciate what I’m trying to do here’s some options for sending support:

Now I’m going to read some Executive Orders to see if there’s any information that will help me get the Arkansas Attorney General to DO HIS JOB and stop this unlawful utility CORPORATION here! Here’s that appeal for help:

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